Thursday, November 20, 2014

VIP Maze of Treasure Chest

Maze and Spot The Differences Puzzlillusion of the VIP Treasure Chest. Created by Yanito Freminoshi
treasure chest maze for VIP Casino by Yanito Freminoshi
Maze of a Treasure Chest Puzzlillusion by Yanito Freminoshif | SOLVED HERE

That VIP Casino Feeling

Feeling on top of the world is just part of the package that the elite players at the All Slots Casino receive when invited to join the VIP Casino. The VIP Casino is an invite only club that offers extra special players much more than the regular casino. At the VIP Casino players benefit from exclusive promotional events, luxury gifts, a personal account manager and much more. Not every high roller is invited to join the VIP Casino, one has to be more than just a big spender, and one has to be a member of the elite also with full backing, class and sustainability that merits joining this amazing and very special VIP Casino.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Racing For Pinks Maze Puzzle Illusion

spot the difference maze puzzle illusion
Racing For Pinks Maze Puzzle Illusion | SOLVED HERE

There is a little known tip for those who enjoy playing iPad casino games like mobile roulette or mobile blackjack. It may seem odd, but it really works. people play these games while petting their cats. It sounds very strange indeed. But there is something very soothing about petting the cat that works well with all the excitement of playing real money games. It helps people focus and not get distracted when they can feel the warm fur and hear a purr. It’s a tip like using Instadebit so that one does not have to worry about the security of his or her private banking data while playing. All these tips seek to just reduce the anxiety of playing real money games and leave the pure joy and excitement that they games are known for. When one is at a land-based casino, these are serious issues. There is so much going on, that one can easily get distracted and make a less than thoughtful wager. That is what the casinos count on. But a serious player is not there to help the casinos. He wants to win money. So the best strategy is to play and make sound, rational decisions each round on what to bet on and how much to bet. So when one uses Instadebit and relaxes while petting a cat, that is possible. A review of the best land-based casino in Canada said that the thing people favored the most was the experience of playing a high stakes real money game. The thing they disliked was not having their own comforts around them. And nothing is more comforting that one’s own pet cat. So while one cannot bring a cat into a land-based casino, one can certainly play games on the iPad while holding the cat

Monday, August 11, 2014

Maze De' Blowfish

Outline of Blowfish MAZE | SOLVED MAZE PATH
With online slots, anything is possible and anywhere is available. What does this mean? It means that people can use their iPad, iPod, Android or any other device to enjoy the best of life while bringing their online slots games along. And they don’t have to worry about where they are or how soon they have to leave the land based casino or how much money they are spending on parking and the hotel at the casino. Because the online slots games are completely portable and this means that people can play them anywhere they find themselves. They can be at home in their pajamas and curl up on the couch with their kitty. And whiel they are relaxing, they can play awesome online slots games. They can find themselves at the mall with their girlfriend and she might be doing a bit too much shopping,. And they can pull out their iPad and start playing games. Or, they might be at the seaside resort and watching the sunset when they get the urge to play. And all of the sudden, they can be there playing the games they love to play. All of this is possible when they have the online slots games at their side. Of course, at a land based casino, the casino games are the only focus. And while this is obviously fun, it is limiting. There are no limits to the online slots games when you play them with an Android device, an iPad, an iPod or another device. The games can be played and enjoyed from any location where the person happens to be. And if they are enjoying these games at home, this will certainly make the cat happy to be part of the fun and action. The world is your oyster when you play games from the online slots sites and the mobile sites.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

High Society Maze

maze of high society online slots
Maze of High Society | Maze Solution HERE
Online slots are by far the most popular of all of the online casino games. The
cat pic of linux cat
online slots can be played at any time of day or night and from anywhere that the player has access to a computer. There is no need to download many of the games because the online casino also offers the option of instant access where the player can play games directly from the web browser of the casino. In addition to the online slots there are many other online casino games available to the player just like at the land based casino but with one big difference in that the online casino allows all players to try out all of the games and does not restrict the player in anyway. The online casino is accessible at all hours of the day or night and as mentioned can be played from any computer as long as the player remembers his user name and password. One of the big advantages of this is that players can go on vacation with their online casino i.e. they never need to be separated from it, much like a pet or kitty that always wants to be close. Whether at the seaside wading through the waves on the beach or drinking coffee and watching the stunning sunset, the online casino player can also enjoy his casino games thanks to the versatility of the online casino. Players can try out the games for fun or practice or they can play them for real money. Players also benefit from some excellent and very generous promotions offered at the online casino together with ongoing bonuses, something that is not offered at land based casinos. Playing with a cat, watching the sunset and enjoying the best in online casino games works together brilliantly, giving players an incredible experience.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Maze Curious Cat

Maze of the Curious Cat
Curious Cat Maze | Maze SOLUTION
The next time that people find themselves bored at home, they should think about Yanito Freminoshi and the free to all mazes that he has made available with the Free Mazes Project. When people see this Public Domain, they may not realize just how great it is, but they can enjoy public domain images anytime that they want to. They can use and enjoy these mazes for any purpose they desire.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Punny Memes that are also FUNNY

cat accountant
Can we also sell the dog?

lion meme
You MUST be Kitten Me!

outstanding in their field
There is no UDDER way to look at it.

Did you like these? Find more Pun Memes and keep on laughing.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014