Monday, April 22, 2013

Tiger Op Art for Casino Games

op art of tiger black and white
You’re a cat person. It’s always funny to see who is a cat person and who is a dog person. Cat people are people who are very loyal and who tend to have a lot of luck on their side. In many cultures, cats are seen as bringing good luck. So, since you’re already a lucky person, why not put your kitten on your lap and try out your luck with online casino games? You’ll quickly see how much fun these games can be and how entertaining they can be at any hour of the day or night. If you can’t sleep, you’ll always have a companion at your side (in addition to your cat) as you play the games for as long as you need to in the middle of the night. You can also enjoy them for a quick game in the middle of the day between work meetings; or maybe you want to play online casino games on your lunch break to rejuvenate before a long afternoon. For all of these reasons, the online casino games are a great way to enjoy yourself and to carve out some space for you to have fun when you want to do so. Enjoy your kitten, your great luck and your fun and excitement exactly when you want to enjoy them today. You’ll soon wonder what you were doing before you found out about online casino games.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Op Art of the lion in the shade

lion in the shade op artA 2001 study in the journal, Hypertension has shown that being a pet owner can actually help to lower blood pressure. The study showed that among people who has already been diagnosed with high blood pressure and were taking medication to help lower their blood pressure, having a pet seemed to help stabilize their blood pressure. The conclusions of the study indicated that for people who already have high blood pressure a pet is very beneficial especially when those people are under stress and do not have a large support system. As well as this study, there are many additional studies that support the idea that having a pet such as a dog or a cat can greatly help people manage stress and stressful situations. These stressful situations can even be enjoyable situations such as playing at an online casino. This experience will be even more enjoyable if the player is stroking a cat on his lap whilst playing his game of choice. Cats will help manage his stress level and assist the player in being more focused and perhaps help him make more thought out and calculated bets as opposed to rash bets that are made as a result of rising stress levels and blood pressure. There are many other health benefits that are related to owning pets including studies that show that children who grow up with pets from a young age are less likely to suffer from allergies than those that do not.
op art font of the letter O

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Psychedelic Casino Cat Op Art

meow op art casino inspector cat
If you're looking for an opportunity to reduce the pressures of everyday life and lower the stresses that come from simply getting through each day you can take a walk, watch some TV or stroke your cats. But if you're looking for a satisfying activity that allows you to engage in a dynamic and interactive activity that will help regulate your serotonin and dopamine levels for an overall "feel-good" mood, settle down at your computer while the cats play with their toys and enjoy some online gaming fun. When you log into your personal online casino account you can choose from among hundreds of game alternatives including table games such as baccarat, craps and roulette, card games which include poker, blackjack and their multiple variations, online lotteries such as bingo, keno or scratch card and numerous three-reel classic slots and five-reel video slot machines. When you play on your home computer you can enjoy exciting home Download Casino entertainment that gives you the opportunity to see if this is your lucky day. The Download Casino games involve combinations of luck and skill which you can test as you download the casino software directly into your home laptop or desktop PC. The games provide you with high definition graphics, compelling animations and an engaging sound track that channels the atmosphere of a genuine Las Vegas Casino site. Mobile device owners, including featurephone, smartphone and tablet owners can wander out into their yard or sit on their porch to play any of their favorite casino games on their handheld mobile device.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cats N' Casinos

the big n
Here’s a secret to boast your performance playing online casino games. Stroke a cat. That’s right, while you are playing and dealing with all the excitement of real money casino games, you should keep your kitty nearby and give her some pets. That’s because scientific research has shown that petting a cat will actually calm you down. This is especially important if you are trying to focus on a casino game requiring some strategy such as blackjack. Of course this would never work playing in a land-based casino where bringing your pet cat is expressly forbidden. They want people to get over excited by the noise and flashing lights. They would prefer that you need remain calm and in control when deciding how much to wager and where to bet. But at home, when you play online, you can have your pet right there with you. And it can feel so nice to pet your cat, that you can actually extend the time that you are playing comfortably. But most importantly, petting the cat counteracts all the influences of the casino excitement. While waiting nervously for the wheels on a slot machine to stop spinning or the virtual dealer to flip over his cards in blackjack, just take a few seconds to pet you cat and you will feel a sense of calm envelope yourself. After all you spend on your cat, let her help you win some back.